Monday, April 20, 2009

Tired of seeing that garbage on your lawn....?

as im sure you all know Windsor has a bit of a garbage problem, mind you its more than just the city its those who collect it. Since 25 bucks an hour isn't enough for collecting garbage (may i remind you 15.2% of the workforce is unemployed at the moment).

In the past few days people have been driving up and disposing of their own garbage on the strike lines. Now maybe its just me but i find this hilarious and very appropriate. If they refuse to do their job we will bring it to them, that way it can sit in the nice 72 degree weather that is fast approaching YIPPIE!

My recommendation is this;
1) we find where they all live
2) we stop by and dispose of our garbage at their houses
3) we re-evaluate exactly what services are essential in our lives, garbage/ teachers vs LCBO ?
4) in times the way they are you have no right requesting more money, you should be damn well happy you have a job. you decide to strike= we the taxpayers decide you are fired, im sure those 15.2% or 26,200 people who are not employed would be willing to do that same job for even less money.

Suck it up, get back to work you greedy bums.
Z out!

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